Monday, May 17, 2010

Welcome to the Family, Hutson Benedict Guosheng!

Mama, Hutson & the Director of the CWI

Hutson in the car BEFORE he got car sick! He's just like his mei mei, Clare!!

Two of Hutson's friends who are also being adopted came into the civil affairs office while we were waiting. We hope to be able to coordinate an activity or two with them. I think that would be really helpful for Hutson. The young lady just turned 13 and the young man is 10. What beautiful children!

Hutson by the elevator in our hotel. He's such a little gentleman! He operates the elevator and opens the hotel room door for us.

Our wonderful guide, Michelle.
Michelle and I left for the Beijing Children's Welfare Institute Monday morning at 6:30.  By 7:30, I was taking my first picture of Hutson.

He really is such a sweet boy.  He has been rather quiet with me.  I know he has learned a little English, but he doesn't seem confident using it yet.  We spent most of the morning at the civil affairs office and getting a little passport-sized photo made of us together.  He got a little emotional when he signed the paperwork at the civil affairs office.  Michelle said that someone had mentioned his foster grandfather with whom he had gotten very close.  We got chicken sandwiches for lunch, ate them in the room, then went for a little walk in Beijing - I was sure to keep our hotel in sight!  We had Subway for supper - I'm not sure Hutson liked it!  Our guide is going to show us around a little bit so we will know where to get good Chinese cuisine.

We finally got our luggage at 9:30 last night!  I was thrilled!!!

Today (it is Tuesday the 18th in China) is Hutson's 12th Birthday!  Happy Birthday, Son!!  He wants to go to the Great Wall today, so we will meet our guide at 9:30 a.m.  We are also going to find an electronic translator in hopes that we will be able to communicate better and a few toys so that he won't be bored in the hotel room.

Thanks for following along.  I'll post more later.



  1. Brycie thanks so much for keeping all posted on you and Hudson and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my precious grandson. Love Mom & Meme

  2. YEA for Hudson!!!
    Yea for your son!!!

    And on a lesser note-
    YEA for Subway and
    YEA for your luggage!!!

    Oh Jim and Brycee- SOOOO happy things are falling into place for you and you're finally able to wrap your arms around this boy you have loved for SO long now! God has SO many blessings in store for you as individuals and as a family. You are bringing Glory to His Name!!

    I can't wait to meet Hudson!
