This evening Clare and Jim went to the home of Hutson's godparents for dinner. What a wonderful meal. We were celebrating the fact that Brycie was in Beijing at that very moment being united with our young son, Hutson Benedict Guosheng. Thank you Bill, Sue, and Claire. We truly love you.
Beautiful roses against white stone wall. Wow!
Hutson's precious godmother, Sue. God bless you, Sue.
Hutson's wonderful godfather, Bill. God bless you, Bill. And, the steaks were fabulous.
Sue always has fun things for the kids to do. Clare making bubbles.
Clare and Claire havin' fun with the bubbles.
Catch the bubble if you can.
Bubble in mid-air.
Bubble that landed on the grass. Look carefully at the photographer.
More beautiful roses. Bill and Sue have such a lovely home. Thank you for the evening.
Cool picture of the bubble! I miss Bill and Sue- and of course, Claire!!! Sigh- I miss everyone...but not the hail! :) I'm so excited that your family is coming together!!! I will be stalking your blog obsessively for more updates so keep them coming!