Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Various Videos from China

Hutson shooting balloons at Ritan Park

Hutson paddling the boat at Beihai Park

Our guide Michelle (with help from our driver) saying the Chinese version of "Oklahoma"


  1. It's so fun to see him in action! :)

  2. That would have been me (Lauren) above. Oops- I was logged in as JC. Have y'all seen his blog? I think you can get there via his name "one man". It's deep. :)

  3. I'm glad you were logged in as JC. We are now following his blog too. I am loving what I've read so far! God bless you 2!!

  4. Jim and Brycie,
    We are so happy for you and your family! We love seeing your blog. We are home with our new one and loving it. Stay safe and God bless!
    Lori and Brad Link
