We made the trek to the Oklahoma Panhandle to spend Thanksgiving with Brycie's dad and step-mom. Brycie's cousins and uncle cooked a wonderful turkey dinner. Enjoy the pictures!
Marina, Drake, Drew, Immaculée, Clare & Hutson
She so cool!!
Drake, Hutson & Drew
Jim and Grandterrie
Sweet Immaculée
Immaculée and Papa
Brycie and Marina - where'd my little girl go?
Immaculée loves Marina!
Come on, Drew, wake up!!
Hutson with Papa's extra long Santa hat. He calls Santa "Christmas Grandpa."
Grandterrie & Uncle Gene
Cousins - Myla & Brycie
Cousin Valerie & Grandterrie
Cousin Megan & Immaculée
"The girls"
"The boys"
Hutson, you've got some growing to do!
Marina and her "little" brother!
I cannot believe how well adjusted Immaculee is already! How is that possible???? That is absolutely amazing. She looks right at home-like she's been part of your family forever. SO happy she is part of your forever family!!! Love you guys! Thanks for hte pics!