On Friday evening, October 1, 2010, Archbishop Eusebius Beltran blessed our new Church, St. Damien of Molokai. Many priests from the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) came to Oklahoma City to participate in the blessing of St. Damien and the consecration of the altar. The sanctuary was packed with parishioners and friends. What a joyous occasion. Later in the evening, Fr. Remski celebrated the first Mass. We thank you, Jesus.
Welcome to St. Damien of Molokai.
Isn't the altar magnificent?
We waited outside for Archbishop Beltran.
St. Damien is so blessed with many young acolytes who, by the way, participate during Mass in Latin. It is wonderful.
Archbishop Beltran kneeling before the altar.
We are so grateful for Archbishop Beltran's support of our new Church, and we appreciated his kind remarks.
Archbishop Beltran descending from the altar.
The young men are so reverent.
The priest with the dark glasses will be our new priest beginning on October 31. He is Fr. Carlos Casavantes, FSSP. Fr. Howard Remski (back left) has been our priest for six years and is being reassigned to Sarasota, FL. Thank you for your priestly service, Fr. Remski.
The sun sets on a beautiful evening and a wonderful occasion.